Entry # 229 Date Posted: 09:03:2025. Time Posted: 11:04AM
Agent Smith
Favourite Artist: Justin Biber
Favourite Anime or Movie: Commando
I am Agent Smith, a personal agent at; MIAMI HEAT BASKETBALL TEAM. We are looking for young basketball players. I have been charged with the task of searching for talents to make super stars. Do you want to be a basketballer, do you want to be rich and famous? Do you want to be a super and mega star with influence and with respect, then this is your opportunity to be one. We are searching for young and potential talents to make world class stars to take the team to the next and higher level. Contact us now on; Agentofmiamiheat@gmail.com
Entry # 228 Date Posted: 01:03:2020. Time Posted: 08:46AM
Favourite Artist: katy coope
Favourite Anime or Movie: howls moving castle
Favourite Game: aura kingdom
How did you hear about this site?: google
i have a copy of your book digtial manga and some pargraphs got me puzzled.
Entry # 227 Date Posted: 02:02:2018. Time Posted: 01:07PM
Angelo Gomez
Favourite Artist: Diego R Salvador Dali
Favourite Anime or Movie: Hed Wig
How did you hear about this site?: Zoom
The person looking for an assistant I've got several major art shows being planned right now I need someone to go with me to walk Wichita Falls I wish I was there and several other shows I needed assistance soon pay is 20% of sales contact me brttcm8@yahoo.com I'm also a professional musician and would like systems with that where are you fb angeloGomez
Entry # 223 Date Posted: 09:10:2016. Time Posted: 10:11PM
Thanks for sharing this website.
- Hoverboards
Entry # 222 Date Posted: 09:07:2016. Time Posted: 04:51PM
Favourite Artist: nover aob
How did you hear about this site?: google
hi im so glad ive found you again.i used to visit this site about 7/8 years ago but lost the link .just found a old print out with the address and after how long it still works and your still going. glad to b back
Entry # 221 Date Posted: 13:09:2015. Time Posted: 05:15PM
Favourite Game: Suikoden
How did you hear about this site?: Found it browsing
I was surfing the web and came across this site. I was actually a member a long time ago. I think my account on here is StuckMojo. I just had to come back and take a peek again. this has been one of my favorite designed websites I've ever been to. Although, I must admit I loved your old web before this one. the yellowish orange with the kickass music playing.. but this one is still very amazing.
Entry # 220 Date Posted: 04:02:2013. Time Posted: 05:26PM
How did you hear about this site?: Zazzle
Hello Ben,
I LOVE the Smoking Gangster girl. I would like to know if I could buy the rights to use it. I have a women's cigar club in the US named Pink Smoke Cigar Club. This would be GREAT for our logo. Can you also add PINK smoke from her cigar?
Thank you Katt