Entry # 137 Date Posted: 22:10:2006. Time Posted: 02:19AM
Favourite Anime or Movie: Avatar 37:
How did you hear about this site?: Friend
Hi Just to let you know that I Love all the stuff I've seen and wanted to say I'm takeing your banner to my site. I was wondering as well if is would be ok to use your stuff as tags at my group?
Thanks, Lisa
Entry # 136 Date Posted: 18:10:2006. Time Posted: 09:07PM
Favourite Artist: Ben!!!
Favourite Anime or Movie: Ghost in a shell
Favourite Game: Not manga but Call Of Duty 2
How did you hear about this site?: I typed Ben Krefta in on google!
Hi Ben! I just bought your book 'The art of drawing manga' and its really helped me with my drawings. I use it all the time for reference when i draw and my manga has improved drastically. Many thanks!
Entry # 134 Date Posted: 28:09:2006. Time Posted: 10:37AM
im inspired by your drawings and i hope some day to get as good as u=]
Entry # 130 Date Posted: 19:09:2006. Time Posted: 12:34PM
Timothy Ijoyemi
Hello, I need to commission you but I can’t find an email address or contact info? Get back to me as soon as possible.
Admin Comment: Cool. There's a link to my email address in the bottom right corner of the page next to the copyright notice. Since a few people now have had trouble finding my email address, I'll be sure to make in clearer and hope that will help if people need to contact me
Entry # 129 Date Posted: 19:09:2006. Time Posted: 04:55AM
Riamu (liam)
Favourite Artist: Ben Krefta (well duh)
Favourite Anime or Movie: Akira, and also Nausicca of the valley of the winds
Favourite Game: All Zelda and Final Fantasy games. Also Dragon Ball Z
How did you hear about this site?: When I Bought Your Book
Hey Ben, just so you know, im not one of those people who have come to suck up to you and ask for help. Nah im a Animator of sorts, specialising in flash. I wanted to know how to draw Anime characters for my animations, and i saw your book in the japanese techers room at my school. I went online to buy your book and have come to say this. THANKS. There, ive said it. You, Ben are my Idol, and because of your wonderful book, i have been producing great artwork. Now all i need is a website...