Entry # 208 Date Posted: 20:07:2010. Time Posted: 05:30PM
Favourite Artist: Ben Krefta
Favourite Anime or Movie: Naruto Shippuden
Favourite Game: Jak and Daxter
How did you hear about this site?: Google'd it
I'd like to say to Ben Krefta, Thankyou for putting a lot of effort and time into the how-to-draw guides you make. The things that Ben does, improvig skills, discovering new equiptment, and meeting commisions, has lead me to believe that is the careerpath I should take forth. As a young child I randomly used to draw a little each day, of course this got me the foundation of my drawing skills at hand and because i was improving many people showed praise for me. Now I would like that to continue, however, it's not for people's attention, nor is it the money that purely motivate me to draw. I create from within internal motivation, because I like to achieve the best results in what I can do. Ben Krefter has put me in the right direction so I can continue doing what I do best. Last of all, Big thanks to Ben. =]
Entry # 206 Date Posted: 13:05:2010. Time Posted: 09:31PM
I Luv Ben Krefta's work but where the heck can I find him? Can he send me an e-mail PLEASE CAN U! My friends bully me because i draw manga and its annoying the heck outta me I've been drawing manga for 5 years now and most of the advice has come from ur book! Ha Ha Ha!
Admin Comment: Glad the book is helping. Sucks to hear you're getting bullied for drawing manga. They're probably jealous because you can do something they can't or just being dumb because they dont understand it. Keep drawing and enjoying manga!
Entry # 205 Date Posted: 13:05:2010. Time Posted: 09:23PM
Favourite Artist: Ben Krefta
Favourite Anime or Movie: Cardcaptor Sakura
Favourite Game: Harvest Moon Island Of Happiness
How did you hear about this site?: I just typed in ur name
Ben Krefta is a really good artist and I really admire his work but why did he call this site organic metal?
Admin Comment: Thanks I just though the name sounded cool more than anything!
Entry # 204 Date Posted: 02:04:2010. Time Posted: 09:03PM
Favourite Artist: Theres 2 many to be name
Favourite Anime or Movie: Dragonball / / EQUILIBRIUM
Favourite Game: Street FIGHTER
How did you hear about this site?: I found it long time ago...
WAOOOOO a Lot of time i have looking for this page. since 199...
I see some new arts like always good. its glad to see is still online.
Entry # 203 Date Posted: 28:10:2009. Time Posted: 03:22AM
Richard Hughes
Favourite Artist: Ben Krefta
Favourite Anime or Movie: final fantasy advent children
Favourite Game: borderlands
How did you hear about this site?: from your book
Hi I recently bought your book the art of drawing manga. Your drawings are amazing and has inspired me to try my hand at drawing again.I was wondering if you do any requests for manga/anime. I will be sure to purchase your other books and thank you again for inspiring me to take up manga/anime drawing as a hobbie.
Entry # 202 Date Posted: 27:10:2009. Time Posted: 08:04PM
virginia butler
Favourite Artist: my daughter
How did you hear about this site?: from your book
I have just looked at your site and can't wait to show my 15 year old daughter who also has a talent for drawing,she has done some wonderful pieces of work in different styles but her heart is with Manga your site is sure to be an inspiration to her. Thankyou! Shana's mum.
Entry # 201 Date Posted: 17:10:2009. Time Posted: 12:50AM
Brad - GB Tattoo
How did you hear about this site?: You came to me - LOL
Hi Ben, Sorry that we didn't speak a HUGE amount but I was Tattooing a client, could hardly bloody stand up and was in a rush, as usual. Needless to say, I have visited your web-site and it is extremely impressive stuff. I would like you to come and see me at my house which is in Gravesend.....perhaps Tuesday night??? 20th Oct. Please reply by e-mail and let me know............. Toorah! Brad
Entry # 200 Date Posted: 16:10:2009. Time Posted: 08:11AM
Favourite Artist: Akihito Yoshitomi
Favourite Anime or Movie: DARKER THAN BLACK
Favourite Game: ICO
How did you hear about this site?: google
Hi. I think your work is great and coll !! I have been impressed, web surf and then I arrive at your site. I really enjoy reading your books and I admire your work. Thanks a lot. Keep it up!!
Entry # 199 Date Posted: 21:09:2009. Time Posted: 11:37AM
Brendan Mudd
Favourite Artist: Frank Frazetta
Favourite Game: Halo
How did you hear about this site?: You popped into my shop !!
Hi,your art is awesome by the way...I am extremely impressed! Without a doubt, your artwork is the best of anyone that has asked for an apprentiship in the shop to date. Please keep in touch as there will possibly be a position within the next few months...also pop in again as I would like to meet you personally. Ihave also been experimented with a bit of CG and would like your opinion. Do you use a 21 UX ??? Hope to speak to you soon, All the best, Brendan