Entry # 208 Date Posted: 20:07:2010. Time Posted: 05:30PM
Favourite Artist: Ben Krefta
Favourite Anime or Movie: Naruto Shippuden
Favourite Game: Jak and Daxter
How did you hear about this site?: Google'd it
I'd like to say to Ben Krefta, Thankyou for putting a lot of effort and time into the how-to-draw guides you make. The things that Ben does, improvig skills, discovering new equiptment, and meeting commisions, has lead me to believe that is the careerpath I should take forth. As a young child I randomly used to draw a little each day, of course this got me the foundation of my drawing skills at hand and because i was improving many people showed praise for me. Now I would like that to continue, however, it's not for people's attention, nor is it the money that purely motivate me to draw. I create from within internal motivation, because I like to achieve the best results in what I can do. Ben Krefter has put me in the right direction so I can continue doing what I do best. Last of all, Big thanks to Ben. =]