Entry # 97 Date Posted: 17:03:2006. Time Posted: 08:47AM
Favourite Artist: Paul Kidby
Favourite Anime or Movie: Slayers
Favourite Game: Legend of Zelda
How did you hear about this site?: Through a random Google search
Holy flying bleep! Shock and horror! I got a 'how to draw' book by you for Christmas last year! ..what are the chances of that..? I knew your name and style was familiar from somewhere. Anywhop, my unusual amount of brain activity aside.
I'd just like to comment on the fact that this would have to be one of the more impressive folio sites I've seen in... hm, lets round it to say; 'quite a long time'. It's good looking and loads swiftly, which are both valued attributes of a super-site. Also your Tutorials are very useful, as is your book, and I doubt you need me to point out how impressive your work is over all. .
..Perhaps it's about time I cease my incessant praising and ego pumping? I hope that you continue to enjoy your work as much as the people who get to view it surely do.
Entry # 95 Date Posted: 08:03:2006. Time Posted: 04:41PM
Favourite Artist: Rumiko
Favourite Anime or Movie: ...
Favourite Game: DARK CLOUD!!
How did you hear about this site?: Read the book, How to Draw MANGA
Wow, nice stuff you got going on here, eh? ^^ keep it up!! (btw, is it true you're only like, 24?)
Admin Edit: 24 in October 2006 ^_^
Entry # 92 Date Posted: 22:01:2006. Time Posted: 04:58PM
Amie Newnham
Favourite Artist: YOU!!!
Favourite Anime or Movie: AKERA
How did you hear about this site?: Google
I Love your "the art of drawing manga" book! I also think the site is GREAT!!! Keep drawin'!
Entry # 91 Date Posted: 13:01:2006. Time Posted: 08:55PM
Favourite Artist: you
Favourite Anime or Movie: ninja scroll
Favourite Game: metal gear solid substance
How did you hear about this site?: my friend told me about it.
this is the first site i've been glued to for ages man. brilliant home page. i like your art style!! out of this world!
Entry # 89 Date Posted: 12:01:2006. Time Posted: 04:02PM
Favourite Artist: you
Favourite Anime or Movie: castle in the sky
Favourite Game: parcheezi
How did you hear about this site?: chance
i love your site and i am moving to japan after i finish college