Entry # 118 Date Posted: 12:08:2006. Time Posted: 04:19PM
Favourite Anime or Movie: Ghost in the shell
Favourite Game: Devil may cry 1-3
How did you hear about this site?: found it on google
hi just wanted to say i love your web site and that ive never drawn anime at all. I will now when i buy one of your books lol
p.s what other payments do you have apart from paypal ???
Admin Edit: Thank you. If ever people want to buy from me or pay for any goods or services, they can send me funds in a variety of ways such as Bacs/bank wire transfer, postal orders, cheques, or even cash.
Entry # 117 Date Posted: 11:08:2006. Time Posted: 08:44PM
Favourite Artist: too much to count
Favourite Anime or Movie: aww...i can't decide!!!
Favourite Game: anything that is easy to understand
How did you hear about this site?: im interested in manga and was looking up info on it and discovered the site
oh wicked!!!! this site is so cool!!! seriously!! i loved the info provided in the tutorials..it was way better than the other sites i visted!!! you seem like a cool guy and i admire your work!!! although "admire" is a lame term... anyway keep it up!!! its wicked
Entry # 116 Date Posted: 30:07:2006. Time Posted: 05:06PM
Favourite Anime or Movie: Anime: Cardcaptor Sakura || Movie: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Favourite Game: All the Tekken games
How did you hear about this site?: The Art Of Drawing Manga book
Hey there, my Dad bought your book for me a while ago, and I've been drawing (well, trying to draw ) since then! I hope one day I'll be as good as you, but I doubt I will. I love the site! ^_^
Entry # 113 Date Posted: 21:07:2006. Time Posted: 01:57PM
Favourite Artist: oliver fray
Favourite Anime or Movie: james bond
Favourite Game: hostal skies
How did you hear about this site?: google
hi i like bengosha and all the other guys you can draw buzzin things.
Entry # 112 Date Posted: 20:07:2006. Time Posted: 02:20PM
hello i am not ben i live in london with my fish i have a teddy called teddy bengosha is good but i can draw better than you
Entry # 111 Date Posted: 27:06:2006. Time Posted: 01:35AM
Favourite Anime or Movie: giant Robo
Favourite Game: devil may cry 2
How did you hear about this site?: i looked down the rabit hole.
mad site, awesome pics. im a first timmer.. not just for your site but the www as a whole so for what its worth i really enjoyed surfing the first time, because of your awesome site, i work in a call center in southafrica, working from 11pm to 6am.. dimsam arigato one time for the julies!
Entry # 110 Date Posted: 19:06:2006. Time Posted: 08:23PM
dusty ortiz
Favourite Artist: Ben Krefta
Favourite Anime or Movie: ghost in the shell: SAC
Favourite Game: Dead or Alive 2
How did you hear about this site?: searching the web for some of your pictures
Dude i think you rock! I've gotten my hands on one of your books on drawing manga and it's really been alot of help, so know i'm trying to get the others. I love the pictures you draw, and hope one day i'll be as good as you.
Entry # 109 Date Posted: 19:06:2006. Time Posted: 03:17PM
Favourite Anime or Movie: Full Metal Alchemist, Kill Bill vol 1
Favourite Game: Star Ocean, Till the end of Time
How did you hear about this site?: Google is your friend
Great site and sound scheme, definatly grabbed my attention - hope your still kicking around - noticed last date tabs being 2004 =/ if you are, I may jsut have a use for you. ^_~