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Entry # 218 Date Posted: 27:10:2012. Time Posted: 12:33AM
Name: reid email
Favourite Artist: ben krefta ( of course)
Favourite Anime or Movie: (all anime is awesome)
Favourite Game: minecraft
How did you hear about this site?: I searched for youonce I read your book
you probably allready know how much I apreceate your art work.
reid(keep in touch)

Entry # 217 Date Posted: 13:10:2012. Time Posted: 02:01PM
Name: reid email
Favourite Artist: ben krefta ( of course)
Favourite Anime or Movie: (all anime is awesome)
Favourite Game: minecraft
How did you hear about this site?: I searched for you once I read your book
you are my number one best drawing inspiration.I remember when I was in year 4 and I got one of your books...the art of drawing manga. I was at once drawn into drawing now thanks to you my art and perspective has improved I am now getting a+ marks when I was getting B so thank you ben you have changed my life.
your greatest supporter, reid.


Entry # 216 Date Posted: 21:05:2012. Time Posted: 08:10PM
Name: Penny Stocks email web site
Really great artwork. Will come back often and check for more.

Entry # 215 Date Posted: 05:03:2012. Time Posted: 06:17PM
Name: Tomaz email web site
Favourite Artist: Kazasa Sumita,Akira Toryama,Tite Kubo,Yoji Shinkawa,Masashi kishimoto ....
Favourite Anime or Movie: Bleach,Naruto,Metal Gear solid Series,assassins creed series,batman,Some Hentais too ^^
Favourite Game: Metal gear solid,Call of duty,Assassins creed,Batman,Uncharted,Dragonball,harvest moon,Dead Space,Final Fantasy...
How did you hear about this site?: I search on Google,i found you cause one of your Guide.
Hi Ben Krefta,Im new in draw word,i started in 2009 setember,more less this mmonth... so i see much guides,but all they say that i have to practice "coping" from anotehrs and keep practicing,but when i see your guide,you sai that we have to creat by ourselfs and i didnt see you puting (saying) that we have to "copy"( copy i mean get some arts and try to make it again,by others artists) So im a little confused,i buy one guide and try to practice hin to the final,so i trained all section of head,and im about to go to the BODY,them i get some that i have in chines,french,and i found your,today i start one but it keeps bad,them i have some paper of guids that i print and keep trying to keep like that or what i can stay good,so what do you think? i need to creat some by my self and try to copy anothers,or keep only copying... i was making this copying and when i have some ideas i put in paper,but it wont keep good,your guide give a ideia to creat my own style.

I see in Bakuman Manga,that the guy starts his manga geting some ideas from another,its good right? so i trained it..but i think i need to improve my own style..and my sketchs,do you havve any ideas to me for memorize some sketchs (of mangá style) ?

Thank you for the attenton,i like much your arts... ^^

Thank you!

Entry # 214 Date Posted: 03:02:2012. Time Posted: 08:43AM
Name: Dava email
Favourite Artist: Miwa Yanagi
Favourite Anime or Movie: The story of 15 boys
Favourite Game: The game of Life
How did you hear about this site?: Google
Mr. Krefta, I think your Manga art books are the best I've ever read. No other manga art book author has broken down the different steps down as as well as you have. Please make more art books! Your books are the only ones that have improved my art skills!

Entry # 213 Date Posted: 08:12:2011. Time Posted: 09:00AM
Name: Stephen email
Favourite Anime or Movie: Naruto Shippuden
How did you hear about this site?: I own a tutorial book
Great art work, hope to see more soon.

Entry # 212 Date Posted: 23:09:2011. Time Posted: 09:55PM
Name: James
Favourite Artist: Tim Burton and Quentin Blake
Favourite Anime or Movie: Death Note and Howls moving Castle
How did you hear about this site?: Christine Hall, A freelance Artist
Love your artwork, I do illustrations myself (not of the manga genre my own style) but I really admire you style and talent. It would be brilliant if you made some kind of novel!

Entry # 211 Date Posted: 30:04:2011. Time Posted: 02:28PM
Name: Eve email
Favourite Artist: Ben Krefta
Favourite Anime or Movie: My neighbour Totoro
Favourite Game: Assassins Creed 2
How did you hear about this site?: I know Ben personally :)
Love this website and really admire all of Ben's work. He puts so much effort and time into every project he does and it shows in the final product

Entry # 210 Date Posted: 28:01:2011. Time Posted: 11:31AM
Name: Mitchell email
Favourite Artist: Ben Krefta, Peter gray and Matt forbeck
How did you hear about this site?: Ben Krefta's book
love the web site and love the artwork

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