your stay...
4: Getting ready to colour
the bottom 'background' layer and rename the 'copy of background'
layer to "outline". Next check the preserve transparency box for this
layer. Now from here there are two good ways to progress...
that create a new layer and call it BG or Background. Now on the background,
you'll be able to colour underneath the lines of the outline layer,
but on top of the white of the outline layer! (see
Fig 7.).
Next click delete - this will get rid of all white areas. Unselect the channel selection, and then move back onto the layers tab. Since the preserve transparency box is check you can then, re-apply black to the outlines by using the pencil tool with a brush size of 300+, then going over the whole picture to restore black to the outlines. Create a new layer underneath called BG or background and you'll be able to colour underneath the remaining outlines! (see Fig 9.).
5: Coming soon!
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