Yuna January 2002

homepageFor showing great skill, technical abilityRegular participantemailYuna by Eri Gaudiamo

Comments: I am not an RPG lover but I do love RPG characters. I always admire their costumes, armors, weapons/magics and the creatures/monsters they summoned. But recent FF series with mature looking characters brings new level to my admiration. I even had a crush on Rinoa once, and I won't tell you what I'm thinking about Yuna right now

emailhomepageFor showing great skill, technical abilityYuna and Sephiroth by Bluequartz

Comments: Just a lil fanwork i did for a friend sometime ago.

emailhomepageFor showing great skill, technical ability Yuna by Pamela Ramali

Comments: This be my first attempt at drawing a FF X fan art~~ ^^ I drew this several weeks ago, and noticed that MVGC actually put her up as the character of the month, so I figured I'd send it in ^^~

emailhomepageFor showing great skill, technical abilityYuna by Nanami

Comments: ...

emailhomepage natures beauty in cell by Artus Malech aka G.i.A.m.

Comments: hmm, first submit here (but defenitiv not the last cause I like the whole deathline thing), first time Inked with brush pen
one of the fews I finshed.
It took 15 hours to Ink and color it, all colors where made with Psp 7 and the image had 50 layers before it where flatten and contained 333 (no Joke) Vector objects.
ok thats it seeya next month

homepageemailFor showing great skill, technical abilityRegular participant Training! Yuna-chan braves the elements!! by Force Vector (nom de mouse)

Comments: Those who have encountered my submissions before know that I like drawing a scenario. For Yuna, it was a no-brainer - she's training to destroy the game's Ultimate Bad Guy (ok, I forgot its name) and in all the images I got from the internet she's always near water... therefore, draw her in the "traditional" water training of heroes used in almost every anime - sit under a raging waterfall! A challenge for me since this will be the first
time I'm attempting a "wet" image.

It took half a day to think up of the pose and draw it (HB pencil on A4 bond paper, inked with a .5 tech pen). Once it was scanned, coloring was done using PhotoShop 5 in a span of two days - first Yuna was block colored (basic colors), then the background waterfall and splashes were hand-rendered, afterwards Yuna was colored in pseudo cel-shading style (I can't seem to not add additional shading) and the water droplet details
again hand-rendered.

One last thing... Starting with this submission, I'll be making all my titles sound like those cheesy titles found in any anime.

emailhomepage Underwater Scene by Bookie-Chan Tanuki

Comments: Yuna with a really bad drawn goldfish thing in an underwater scene. Very sketchy and pale colored.

emailhomepage Yuna by Karen Luk

Comments: I did this vignette in watercolor and pencil.


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