title - artwork

Title: Pin-up babe
Image Size:
Date: 11:07:2005
620 x 911 pixels
Materials: Pencil , Photoshop 7

I had been working on this one for absolutly ages. I originally intended to make this a comic-book type style but it ended up becoming a realism piece. Although I'm sure there's a few bits that could be improved, it turned out how I wanted

Referenced from: Link. - the likeness isn't quite there, but that was kinda intentional.


Wallpaper : 800x600 : 1024x768 : 1600x1200


Tony writes:

Date Posted: 14:07:2005 Time Posted: 02:33AM

She is beautiful in all possible ways...way to GO!!!

Rik writes:

email web site Date Posted: 12:07:2005 Time Posted: 03:50PM

Good work, very nice illustration. I'm a bit unsure about the gloves though.

Tiger writes:

email Date Posted: 12:07:2005 Time Posted: 01:02PM

You have skill and talent! You should shout your name out to companies you really want to work with... they can't ignore you forever, the worst they can do is put a restraining order on you! My favorite bit is the clothes.... you make it look easy. *green eyes*

AJ writes:

email Date Posted: 12:07:2005 Time Posted: 09:17AM

I've got to say, you have talent. I think the way you've made her hair look is really cool.

totosai writes:

email Date Posted: 11:07:2005 Time Posted: 11:13PM

not bad, not bad at all, im really lovin the body and her Position. that really is a good pic

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