title - artwork

Title: Pin-up babe
Image Size:
Date: 11:07:2005
620 x 911 pixels
Materials: Pencil , Photoshop 7

I had been working on this one for absolutly ages. I originally intended to make this a comic-book type style but it ended up becoming a realism piece. Although I'm sure there's a few bits that could be improved, it turned out how I wanted

Referenced from: Link. - the likeness isn't quite there, but that was kinda intentional.


Wallpaper : 800x600 : 1024x768 : 1600x1200


Alyssa writes:

email Date Posted: 23:10:2005 Time Posted: 07:56PM

wow, it's a really really good picture. it has textures and lighting and it looks so real. it's incredible, keep up the goodwork.

Shaggy writes:

email Date Posted: 21:10:2005 Time Posted: 11:40AM

Very nice!.. I hope to be that good some day I do have some of my own stuf... But its not that good

legionnare writes:

email Date Posted: 17:10:2005 Time Posted: 06:22AM

all of her looks so real.....impressive

A.j writes:

email Date Posted: 11:10:2005 Time Posted: 05:26PM

very good very realistic all very very good remind me of jessica dougherty's works www.jessicapinups.com

Lindsey writes:

email Date Posted: 01:10:2005 Time Posted: 06:14AM

omg, this artwork is great! i just love this pic

Cindy writes:

email web site Date Posted: 23:09:2005 Time Posted: 08:54PM

I LOOOVE this one. FABULOUS as usual. I love ALL your art. Keep up the TERRIFIC work. Don't let anyone rain on your parade!!

Cindy :cat

oady1 writes:

email Date Posted: 09:09:2005 Time Posted: 07:29PM

from the art that ive sene here i think youre pretty talented

David writes:

Date Posted: 08:08:2005 Time Posted: 07:28AM

I think the picture is quite good actually.

Destiny Jordan writes:

email web site Date Posted: 21:07:2005 Time Posted: 02:54AM

This one is my favorite piece, you should so more like this one!

The Insane Reader writes:

email web site Date Posted: 14:07:2005 Time Posted: 07:14PM

It's pretty good... the face looks a bit awkward, but it could just be because it's a realism piece. But the bust looks funny - looks like she's got a serious bit of upholstery there to keep them UP like that. Otherwise... it is great!

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