title - artwork

Title: Xmas Nikki 2004
Image Size:
Date: 17:12:2004
685 x 708 pixels
Materials: Pencil & Photoshop 7

Like most years I try to complete an illustration to send to people in time for Christmas. A Xmas ‘E-Card’. Had a few ideas to create a full scene featuring a few characters in action and background, but in the end, went for something simpler. I thought I’d rather do something simple and make it good than try to do too much and end up missing the deadline.
2002’s Nikki pic was a little funky in the face style-wise. So I checked out my earlier designs while drawing this latest version and developed her from those. I tried to make her unusually long hair into a feature by adding decorations in the form of a Xmas tree. I hope this is an original idea. The image could have done with a few tweaks, but otherwise I like how it turned out.


Line art : Ink Other : Colours A : Colours C : Colours D : Colours E : Colours F : Colours G


eightball writes:

email Date Posted: 30:03:2005 Time Posted: 04:52AM

i like this drawing and i figured you were giving this to one of your buddies.and i like that you expeimented with different colors especially the all white. i prob'ly wouldve dun the same thing! but i still like your drawings without all the computerized colorings you do to then. i figure its best the way it is.

m a mason writes:

email Date Posted: 02:03:2005 Time Posted: 08:26PM

thats quite good and the shading is brilliently done, as "nikki" seams to being posed from the right espeially the glaem of her eyes is cool

The Insane Reader writes:

email web site Date Posted: 01:03:2005 Time Posted: 10:19PM

Your art is awesome! (That word's probably overused, but I don't feel like digging up a thesaurus.) It probably took a while to get your skills up to that level. The coloring is very nice - it all goes. ^_^ I'm going to practice and practice until I'm at least as good as you. Your art is a good role model for me!

Losterin writes:

email web site Date Posted: 03:02:2005 Time Posted: 02:31PM

I like Nikki and all, but how come she reminds me of my slutty "friends" at school. I personally don't like that part of it but the drawing is good.

sacabonos writes:

email Date Posted: 03:02:2005 Time Posted: 01:04AM

nice work man i like ur shades man they really cool

Wing writes:

email web site Date Posted: 02:02:2005 Time Posted: 08:10PM

I really liked the colouring in this piece, very smooth and shiny! Decorating the ends of her hair like a Christmas tree was a neat idea~

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