Title: | Xmas Nikki 2004 : Version D
| Image
Size: | 174KB |
Date: | 17:12:2004 | Dimensions: |
685 x 708 pixels | Materials: | Pencil & Photoshop 7
| Comments: |
002 | | Description: | Altered outfit colours. A mix of white and black- also looks pretty cool.
The Insane Reader
writes: |
Date Posted: 07:09:2005 Time Posted: 10:57PM |
And even if the gloves WERE white, the contrast just wouldn't work, not with the Christmas lights in her hair.
The Insane Reader
writes: |
Date Posted: 26:08:2005 Time Posted: 10:51PM |
Yeah, it's cool - but the white just doesn't fit. The gloves need to be white too, for the color to work in this piece. And her makeup needs to change.