title - artwork

Title: Happy Halloween!
Image Size:
Date: 01:09:2003
970 x 682 pixels
Materials: Pencil & Photoshop 6

This piece was originally drawn for a 2004 anime calendar, which had to feature: A babe, something to do with my chosen month- October, and to include the theme 'Journeys'. I decided to go for a modern-gothic witch girl, for Halloween of course and I like the overall composition and colours. The background was drawn separately, scanned in and added underneath the character illustration on another layer. It's also my birthday on the 10th so I was pleased to get to work on my birthday month!


Other : Alternate colours


black shadow writes:

Date Posted: 09:12:2008 Time Posted: 08:54PM

i have to agree with phenix i like the alternate colors better

Phenix Ryte writes:

Date Posted: 02:12:2007 Time Posted: 12:19AM

Fuck you all! she can ride my broom any day! Thats it okay now shut up, and get a girl.

Cameron (Jirayiah's son) writes:

Date Posted: 15:08:2007 Time Posted: 12:24AM

that hat is awesome!!!!! i love the way you drew it, and im a boy, its a darker version of the Dark Magician Girls hat!!!!

Kawaii writes:

Date Posted: 01:01:2007 Time Posted: 04:14AM

That's really amazing, all she neeeds is a cat XD

punkrocker writes:

email Date Posted: 31:10:2006 Time Posted: 02:38AM

I love this girl's outfit! She's rockin' The background is really neat to! Witches rule

LULU writes:

email Date Posted: 21:09:2006 Time Posted: 12:54AM

wow. I feel...so...so.. small. Whaa! Compared to this, i must suck... badly! Nice pic, ben!

jesker writes:

email Date Posted: 28:03:2006 Time Posted: 04:33AM

yeah awsome need to draw some different chics

dragonfly writes:

email Date Posted: 27:02:2006 Time Posted: 11:33PM

awesome! i bow down to your superior art skills

Deimos writes:

Date Posted: 02:12:2005 Time Posted: 07:16PM

That is cool. Backround and all. Only what disturbes me is that..
:O ahem...the stick is going...it just...somehow very dirty

Luna writes:

Date Posted: 05:11:2005 Time Posted: 08:15PM

I love this picture. I wish that i could draw like u.I love the out fit. The boots are so cool. Good job.

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