title - artwork

Title: Happy Halloween!
Image Size:
Date: 01:09:2003
970 x 682 pixels
Materials: Pencil & Photoshop 6

This piece was originally drawn for a 2004 anime calendar, which had to feature: A babe, something to do with my chosen month- October, and to include the theme 'Journeys'. I decided to go for a modern-gothic witch girl, for Halloween of course and I like the overall composition and colours. The background was drawn separately, scanned in and added underneath the character illustration on another layer. It's also my birthday on the 10th so I was pleased to get to work on my birthday month!


Other : Alternate colours


risu writes:

email Date Posted: 02:11:2005 Time Posted: 12:56AM

dude this is a really good pic.....im an anime drawing too and i only have 1 bad thing to say....her face should have alittle more reallstike too it..like where the part where her left eye is that little part there needs some work.......but other than that its really good.......i've seen ur other art work and ur a really good drawer....just work on the face alittle but....and than it will be perfert ^-^

Scarecrow writes:

Date Posted: 01:11:2005 Time Posted: 08:29AM

dude this pic is like, THE SHIT! ! i love her outfit. you should totally do more drawings of her!

A.j writes:

email Date Posted: 11:10:2005 Time Posted: 05:07PM

agreed very cute very very cute i like it lots

p.s can i have the clothing

The Insane Reader writes:

email web site Date Posted: 08:08:2005 Time Posted: 08:20PM

I want her HAT.

TigerChickTigriss writes:

email Date Posted: 30:07:2005 Time Posted: 09:44PM

I want her shoes!! And skirt!

Sta~ple writes:

email Date Posted: 17:04:2005 Time Posted: 03:09PM

Ee thats so pretty *stares at it*

The Insane Reader writes:

email web site Date Posted: 16:03:2005 Time Posted: 08:14PM

What a cool witch! A bit skimpily dressed, though. Very alluring otherwise. Amazing BG. I agree with "Vash The Stampede" about giving her a name and drawing more pics of her. Did your witch make it into the calendar?

Vash The Stampede writes:

email Date Posted: 05:02:2005 Time Posted: 02:48AM

You should give her a name,and do more pictures of her just like you do with Nikki. In this picture you certainly bagged and wrapped the halloween vibe all I can say is she's cool

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