title - artwork

Title: Warrior Maiden
Image Size:
Date: 01:07:2003
625 x 790 pixels
Materials: Pencil & Photoshop 6

It had been ages since I did an illustration which wasn't for anything in particular. I originally sketched out the pose for a commission piece, but it wasn't what the client had in mind. I went off and developed the piece anyway, and it made a change as I'm not a huge Medieval Fantasy fan compared to Sci-fi or more modern themes. I had a darker colour scheme in mind when I drew the scene and was happy with the way it came out. I can still point out several technical flaws, which I'll make sure not to repeat on any upcoming works. At least I got the heels in there! Perhaps I'll make 'em my trademark?


Line art : Pencil


D writes:

email Date Posted: 21:09:2006 Time Posted: 08:11PM

From the pic I get the feeling that shes been captured thrown into a cell! During her capture a sword grazed her clothes thats why her boobs are showing of she could be trying to lure the jailer into her cell! Anyway its a good pic.

Reed writes:

email Date Posted: 06:08:2006 Time Posted: 10:48PM

its a very lovely work and I hope you do more.

Lena writes:

email Date Posted: 14:04:2006 Time Posted: 07:12PM

Why Warrior Maiden? She doesn't look like a warrior. But I do love her boots.

Deimos writes:

Date Posted: 02:12:2005 Time Posted: 07:10PM

Well this is something. Great.

Elsie writes:

Date Posted: 23:11:2005 Time Posted: 06:13AM

Wow I love her boots kudos on them :0)

The Insane Reader writes:

email web site Date Posted: 21:11:2005 Time Posted: 10:53PM

Well, in the comics world, the motto is not "form follows function", but "if it looks good, draw it". (I got those from a Manga Mania book)

Candyfloss writes:

Date Posted: 12:11:2005 Time Posted: 03:54PM

Realy gd, but in real life a warrior woudn't have her boobs showing.

jose writes:

email Date Posted: 17:10:2005 Time Posted: 06:48AM


A.j writes:

email Date Posted: 11:10:2005 Time Posted: 05:04PM

i do like this it apeals to me if ever find out why i'll let you know

Rachel writes:

email Date Posted: 22:09:2005 Time Posted: 06:24PM

It's so good! I love it.

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