title - artwork

Title: Bengosha
Image Size:
Date: 01:04:2002
697 x 993 pixels
Materials: Pencil & Photoshop 5 / 6

He's Bengosha- Japanese cyborg warrior from the future where monsters, demons and dragons have become a real big problem in Tokyo after a parallel dimension portal opened up in Shinjuku 100 years ago! His Father was a world famous Samurai master of Yosake Dojo and the secret owner of the legendary Murasame sword. After his father died in battle while he was still a boy, Bengosha, inherited the Murasame and now acts as an elite defender of Tokyo ^_^

This was a character design for a Dragon Slayer contest at 3d Total forums. I thought I'd be a little different and go with some more cyber punk stuff since most entries weren't anime style based for once! Plus the people entering were REALLY good, so I had no chance (Curse you Cyberhues! ) Anyone familiar with the Guyver, Alita (Gunnm) and Metal Gear Solid will be able to see influences, but what's cooler than a fusion of the coolest characters in games and anime?
Bengosha was also used as a character example in book, "The Art of Drawing Manga" and for the cover of "Drawing Manga in Simple Steps".


Line art : Pencil Wallpaper : 800x600 : 1024x768 : 1600x1200


Will writes:

email Date Posted: 30:10:2009 Time Posted: 05:49PM

This art rules. I have a book called 'How to draw manga' coz I love drawing manga, and this is in it. I am amazed at the time it must have taken and the imagination you must have. The colours are really well suited to the mood. It astounds me how good manga can be when done properly and I think this is a really good piece. So cool!

manga fan writes:

email Date Posted: 25:06:2009 Time Posted: 11:08AM

awesome pic must of took a long time to draw

mangafan writes:

email Date Posted: 17:12:2008 Time Posted: 04:06PM

this is 1 of my all time favourite drawings by u i did a copy up out of 1 of ur books it was 1 of best drawings its not half as good as yours and i havent coloured it yet but thts y i luv it so much cause my copy up is got me alot of art encouragement at school

u r my idol

lolman writes:

Date Posted: 19:06:2008 Time Posted: 07:59AM

i thought ben krefta made this guy
if not sry

jamez m writes:

Date Posted: 19:06:2008 Time Posted: 07:58AM

i drew bengosha a couple of weeks ago..... but it was one of those things where i looks very hard to draw but its actually pretty easy.

Phenix Ryte writes:

Date Posted: 02:12:2007 Time Posted: 12:03AM

I have to agree with Arlem but... his eye seems out of place.

Arlem writes:

email Date Posted: 20:08:2007 Time Posted: 05:36AM

I love his armour how do you come up with such a great design?

Matt writes:

email Date Posted: 29:03:2007 Time Posted: 09:04AM

Hello! I was just wondering if I could get a picture of his back sent to my e-mail. If you could, that would be GREAT!
I really like Bengosha!

indy bains writes:

Date Posted: 15:01:2007 Time Posted: 09:24PM

i love this picture and i have made one exactly like this one i have printed off the bacl and white version and and i have copuied it onto a A3 piece of paper like the colour VERY GOOD

Boochild writes:

email Date Posted: 19:06:2006 Time Posted: 12:03AM

Wow, I love this picture. I'm a roleplayer, and he reminds me of a ShadowRun Class call "Street Samurai." THis kicks nine kinds os ass. XD

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