title - artwork

Title: Bengosha
Image Size:
Date: 01:04:2002
697 x 993 pixels
Materials: Pencil & Photoshop 5 / 6

He's Bengosha- Japanese cyborg warrior from the future where monsters, demons and dragons have become a real big problem in Tokyo after a parallel dimension portal opened up in Shinjuku 100 years ago! His Father was a world famous Samurai master of Yosake Dojo and the secret owner of the legendary Murasame sword. After his father died in battle while he was still a boy, Bengosha, inherited the Murasame and now acts as an elite defender of Tokyo ^_^

This was a character design for a Dragon Slayer contest at 3d Total forums. I thought I'd be a little different and go with some more cyber punk stuff since most entries weren't anime style based for once! Plus the people entering were REALLY good, so I had no chance (Curse you Cyberhues! ) Anyone familiar with the Guyver, Alita (Gunnm) and Metal Gear Solid will be able to see influences, but what's cooler than a fusion of the coolest characters in games and anime?
Bengosha was also used as a character example in book, "The Art of Drawing Manga" and for the cover of "Drawing Manga in Simple Steps".


Line art : Pencil Wallpaper : 800x600 : 1024x768 : 1600x1200


Chris writes:

email Date Posted: 23:05:2006 Time Posted: 06:22PM

Wow, nice character design! I actually bought the book with this guy in a couple of months back. Good book.

A-TRAIN writes:

Date Posted: 20:05:2006 Time Posted: 12:49AM

this guy looks strong but not as strong as me i bet i could take him!

jackd205 writes:

email Date Posted: 01:04:2006 Time Posted: 04:20PM

this is an amazing picture i drew it from my manga book that i got from the library i never get tired of seeing and drawing it

w88d_b0y writes:

email Date Posted: 13:01:2006 Time Posted: 08:06PM

ah yes! bravo!! i love the detail on the costume.

peter writes:

email Date Posted: 06:12:2005 Time Posted: 12:26AM

bengosha, defender of his town. ancient samurai of the future with a suped up suit and an ancient katana givin to his father after he died in battle. awsome story and an awsome character to with it. i really like the way you came up with your character(showed in the art of manga)

willow writes:

email Date Posted: 06:09:2005 Time Posted: 01:52PM

really cool. the weapons really stand out. i love it.

dominirican91 writes:

email Date Posted: 19:08:2005 Time Posted: 02:00AM

i LOOOOVE this pic my friend has this as a charie u can find it as a vilian on one of the chaos angels sites

The Insane Reader writes:

email web site Date Posted: 08:08:2005 Time Posted: 08:38PM

Woah. He must have been severely mutilated. That aside, his scythe is just wicked - um, what's the blue stuff dripping off his sword? Demon blood?


email Date Posted: 31:07:2005 Time Posted: 08:09AM


TigerChickTigriss writes:

email Date Posted: 30:07:2005 Time Posted: 09:40PM

I want his sword!!

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