title - artwork

Title: School Time Nikki
Image Size:
Date: 11:09:2001
850 x 671 pixels
Materials: Pencil & Photoshop 5.5

It was my entry for a small "back to school" contest, and I ended up with joint 3rd place. At the time I hadn't been doing too well in contests, which can be really disheartening after putting in so much effort or when others (myself included) think I deserve to be placed higher. But more importantly, it was all good fun and practice

Don't ask how long it took, but somewhere in the region of 20-30 hours I'd imagine! And despite some minor problems I'm pleased with it. May need to consider speeding up, but I'm such a perfectionist.

The picture illustrates Nikki standing outside a Japanese school, kitted out in typical Japanese uniform. The sign on the wall says "High school" and the kanji in the bottom left is just my signature. It's mid-summer and the clock is pointing to 8 o’clock, which means she's spent all day in school and has just come out- she's a hard worker


Line art : Pencil


Tom writes:

email Date Posted: 21:05:2009 Time Posted: 08:34PM

hiya-love the pic-real sxy

black shadow writes:

Date Posted: 09:12:2008 Time Posted: 08:43PM

if she was real i would do her

badreamm writes:

email Date Posted: 09:12:2007 Time Posted: 11:33AM

yea shes pretty hot

Phenix Ryte writes:

Date Posted: 02:12:2007 Time Posted: 12:10AM

Listen Ben I've admired your art for years, as you can see from my comments under the name of D.magic, but I still haven't seen any hentai by you. Or is it just me.

Cameron (Jirayiah's son) writes:

Date Posted: 13:08:2007 Time Posted: 03:11AM

O_O is she stripping for lunch money or something????

D-Man writes:

email Date Posted: 16:12:2006 Time Posted: 07:07PM

i have to agree with jackd205, she not real. go get a girlfreind or something. but as for ben, it freakin rocks keep up the good work.

Tom writes:

email Date Posted: 23:09:2006 Time Posted: 06:51PM

I would

D writes:

email Date Posted: 21:09:2006 Time Posted: 08:33PM

great pic! if I was a transfer student to her school i'd definitely try to get with her

dman writes:

email Date Posted: 26:06:2006 Time Posted: 11:38PM

i'd have to agree with Candyfloss and Luna! it's freakin awsome

A-TRAIN writes:

Date Posted: 20:05:2006 Time Posted: 12:34AM

she's got it goin on. if i could draw chicks like that I would have them all over the place.

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