title - artwork

Title: School Time Nikki
Image Size:
Date: 11:09:2001
850 x 671 pixels
Materials: Pencil & Photoshop 5.5

It was my entry for a small "back to school" contest, and I ended up with joint 3rd place. At the time I hadn't been doing too well in contests, which can be really disheartening after putting in so much effort or when others (myself included) think I deserve to be placed higher. But more importantly, it was all good fun and practice

Don't ask how long it took, but somewhere in the region of 20-30 hours I'd imagine! And despite some minor problems I'm pleased with it. May need to consider speeding up, but I'm such a perfectionist.

The picture illustrates Nikki standing outside a Japanese school, kitted out in typical Japanese uniform. The sign on the wall says "High school" and the kanji in the bottom left is just my signature. It's mid-summer and the clock is pointing to 8 o’clock, which means she's spent all day in school and has just come out- she's a hard worker


Line art : Pencil


jackd205 writes:

email Date Posted: 03:04:2006 Time Posted: 03:27PM

y the hell do u all fancy her shes not real

ramzo writes:

Date Posted: 01:02:2006 Time Posted: 09:17PM

omg she is soooooooooooooooo fit!!!

jack hayes writes:

email Date Posted: 18:12:2005 Time Posted: 07:12PM

SHE IS HOT!!!! I wish she waz my gf

Deimos writes:

Date Posted: 02:12:2005 Time Posted: 07:04PM

I agree with blue. But as i have said, everyone has their own pleasures. Hot school girls are what lot of guys like. Ben should do own page in here. "hot girls" and draw there all sexy stuff.

Im sure he wants it.

Jenny writes:

email Date Posted: 22:11:2005 Time Posted: 12:23AM

Cool. Nikki's a little old for school isn't she? oh well....... i dunno. lol cool!

The Insane Reader writes:

email web site Date Posted: 21:11:2005 Time Posted: 10:46PM

Heeeyyy... maybe her mom's dead and she got this big inheritance and got her own apartment so she can wear whatever she wants... nah. No melodrama.

Candyfloss writes:

Date Posted: 12:11:2005 Time Posted: 04:05PM

What would her mother say! :smile:

Luna writes:

Date Posted: 05:11:2005 Time Posted: 08:43PM

NICE PIC LUVIN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jose writes:

email Date Posted: 17:10:2005 Time Posted: 06:36AM

wow.....amazingshades and colors...

d.magic writes:

Date Posted: 04:10:2005 Time Posted: 04:50PM

you know this time i’m looking at the bottom of the picture and the insane reader’s wright about her ”panties”

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