Title: | Thin Bee Battle : Pages 1 & 2
| Image
Size: | 531KB |
Date: | 01:02:2001 | Dimensions: |
620 x 1908 pixels | Materials: | Pencil, Ink & Photoshop 5.5
| Comments: |
009 | | Description: | My second MAG (Monthly Anime Gaijin competition) submission ended up tuning into a mini-manga project. Here's basically my first attempt at sequential pages. Instead of submitting a standard pin-up page I thought I'd try my hand at illustrating the battle between Kazuya and Akeru, which these character's started back on colony 179, (based on events in the story) I was pleased with the results and it took me around two weeks on and off to finish.
I think it looks pretty good just in B/W like a typical manga (See the Inks version above). I like the cool 3 tone anime style colouring, it fits the manga theme well and the bright colours used gives it a comedy anime feel similar to Dragon Ball or Pokemon.
It's supposed to be a humorous Pokémon parody and if you're unfamiliar with Rene's characters, here's a little background info: Kazuya (the Saiyan, top panel, first page) is Akeru's (the kid's) rival. Akeru uses a giant mecha called Colossus to fight battles for him. Colossus lives in a "pocket dimension" and Akeru unleashes Colossus when needed! I changed many character elements such as the mecha design and the fact Akeru looks older than he should because I wanted to make it a lot more unique to my own style as well as improve on the existing designs.
I could have done some nice glowing metal effects on the Mech if I used the airbrush, but I wanted to keep it, or at least most of it within the anime cel style. I like the smoke coming out from Colossus' gun turrets and the lettering for these pages too. It's the first time I had tried professional style comic lettering and I managed to pull it off ok.
Extras: | Line art : Pencils : Inks
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Date Posted: 19:05:2009 Time Posted: 09:53PM |
WOW i wish i could draw like tht-love the mecha!!!
manga chick
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Date Posted: 14:07:2006 Time Posted: 08:32PM |
Mega! it's really so funny! i'm also drawing pictures like thise, only, i dont have a site so...
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Date Posted: 02:06:2006 Time Posted: 08:32PM |
this is a kool pic man! i like the way the speed lines give it more effectiveness.
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Date Posted: 01:06:2006 Time Posted: 02:00PM |
Oh my, its my next door neighbour on a monday morning.
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Date Posted: 01:06:2006 Time Posted: 01:53PM |
I think thats wot hes sayin when he sez similar to Dragon Ball or Pokemon. duh
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Date Posted: 07:08:2005 Time Posted: 08:24AM |
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Date Posted: 07:08:2005 Time Posted: 08:01AM |
no offense but it kainda looks like you put ash(pokemon)& raditz(dbz)and made them fight each other
peter basily
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Date Posted: 28:06:2005 Time Posted: 09:16PM |
ok me likey now, please dont hurt me oh big robot, please, please, please, please, *ten years later* please...*this could go on for another meliniam
peter basily
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Date Posted: 28:06:2005 Time Posted: 09:14PM |
me no likey pokemon