title - artwork: miscellaneous

Varied works such as: Oekaki (online drawing board quickies) and concepts as well as digital colouring of other artist's line art. Those works are drawn / inked by other artists, then I step in and colour them with Photoshop. This team approach to create a finished product is typical of how most professional comics are created and can be great fun to collaborate with an awesome penciller or illustrator

Oekaki 1
Oekaki 1
Oekaki 2
Oekaki 2
W. Woman
W. Woman

Please note: Art is arranged from old -> new. Art created within the last 12 months is indicated with a black thumbnail title. If commenting on work:Feel free to post positive or constructive comments, please try to keep remarks relevant to the particular image you are commenting on, try not to give one or two word replies. Spam, flaming or profanity will be deleted and user may be banned from posting. User IPs are logged. Art is © Ben Krefta. Thanks for looking.

Artwork Disclaimer: Artwork and content is subject to personal preference and some images may be considered unsuitable for younger children. By viewing this site, you agree to be view all artwork with an open mind and an acceptance for other's styles, opinions, preferences and beleifs.


Why not check out my other stuff?..

title - character art and illustration
Character designs, drawings and concepts- manga, anime and comic style. Pencil, ink and digitally rendered Photoshop art. Total pictures in this category: 54

title - photography
Photos, taken within the local area and beyond. Total pictures in this category: 18

title - abstract designs and graphics
A selection of graphic design based work I've completed such as web sites, advertising and more abstract design. Total pictures in this category: 9
