title - artwork

Title: Oekaki 2 : Red hair girl
Image Size:
Date: 01:06:2003
381 x 460 pixels
Materials: Oekaki BBS

This one was my first oekaki on the Anime Artist UK board. I’m still getting to grips with creating art solely via the computer and especially using these web applets, but this one turned out ok!


shante writes:

email Date Posted: 26:06:2009 Time Posted: 08:14PM


black shadow writes:

Date Posted: 10:12:2008 Time Posted: 03:34PM

i agree with dan it is a great pic

valerie tagger name hadara writes:

email Date Posted: 12:08:2008 Time Posted: 09:13AM

i really love all Your work the colors always go well together and the charactors are always so sweet! thank You for making this great stuff

Jeff writes:

email Date Posted: 22:11:2006 Time Posted: 01:23AM

I think this is a great piece of artwork. I like the way you've put the orange and the pink together. it really contrasts well. congrats ben! your a legend!

Some guy writes:

email Date Posted: 20:10:2006 Time Posted: 11:53AM

I wish i could make my projects look that good.

manga chick writes:

email Date Posted: 14:07:2006 Time Posted: 09:16PM

she got it all...:$

manga chick writes:

email Date Posted: 14:07:2006 Time Posted: 09:15PM

she is the TOP

Dan writes:

email Date Posted: 10:11:2005 Time Posted: 11:44PM

Great pic! From her uniform she looks like a transfer student maybe, and is leaning over someone who is laying/sitting down taking a nap/reading and she is asking for directions to the school office!? And if the someone happens to be a male student then he couldn't help but be drawn to her chest , cause of the cut of her uniform top!? Given time I could write a brief fiction for this pic.

Harmony writes:

email Date Posted: 12:02:2005 Time Posted: 05:53AM

Wow, this is great, I wish I could oekaki like that^^ I love the tones.

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