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Comments: Tifa has always been a hard character for me to pin down, mostly because of her physique, but I think I did a pretty good job here. It's my first free-hand in a long time! Pencil was done on sketchpaper, then traced onto vellum and inked with just a nice-tipped Sharpie marker. Scanned into and colored with Photoshop 5.5. Enjoy! |
Comments: I wanted to add Barret in the foreground and Cloud in the background with a "depth of field" effect, but I am currently modelling a character in 3DSMax for an animation im doing with my friend. I think this pic turned out pretty good considering that i've never cg'd this way before. I used to do cg'ing in a long and boring process...the only thing I dont like about this pic is the static pose. >:P |
Comments: Just a simple pic of Tifa with a summer theme. I really don't like the background that much but Tifa came out pretty decent ^^ It's the first picture I've colored on my computer and actually liked. It was drawn with pencil then scanned and colored in Adobe Photoshop 6.0 |
Comments: pencil. on paper. drew this during the AN convention in toronto while sitting on a couch, after being evicted from the floor in the artist's alley. head needs work, breasts are oversized, although they were originally intended to be even more oversized as a parody image, but the disproportionate requirements boggled my mind. |
Comments: Well, it's Tifa doing nher Water kick attack. (who would have guessed!! LOL ) Nothing special about this pic. I inked the lineart with ordinary tech pens and colored with photoshop. I must admit the angle chosen wasn't very easy to do. (I'm not sure it's very good either. ^^;;; ) |
Comments: I drew this with my handy Bic #2 mechanical pencil (a gift from my girl) on an ordinary peice of printer paper, then scanned it into Photoshop 5.0 and colored it with my Wacom. Not much else to say except "Hi, Mom. Sorry I drew another busty chick." |
Comments: Ta Daaa!!!! I stumbled on to this site from Bob Dejesus'
site. I must say your site is really cool! |
Comments: HA! My second drawing for this MVGC thing here. My first one was kinda lacking...we won't talk about it..but this is my rendition of Tifa. Enjoy. I got sick of coloring it so it's more a color test but hey it gets the job done. Peace. |
Comments: Yay!! My first submission here! Well, I haven't drawn FF7 characters for the longest time, so I might have a couple things on Tifa that isn't correct. Oh well...Enjoy! |
Comments: I've always liked Tifa, so I don't know why it took me so long to draw her. Overall I'm satisfied with the result. I like the way her hair came out and her elbow pad. I wished I had done more with the leather skirt, but oh well. No picture is every truely finished. |
Comments: This is just a pencil drawing on an 11x14 piece of bristol board done with an H pencil...sorry it's not colored, didn't get around to doing it until yesterday and the deadline was near, so this is all I could manage. |
Comments: Well, I'm not really fond of Tifa so I didn't draw this till the day before it was due. I was gonna color it, but like I said I don't really care for Tifa. Next month awaits... |
Comments: ... |
Comments: I assumed that most, if not all, would draw Tifa in her normal fighting clothes, so I decided to draw her in an alternate costume. Deciding on the blue dress and turning it into a mini-cheongsam - this scene came immediately to mind. How WOULD the girls take the fact that the pervert Corneo chose Cloud between the three of them? It took roughly two days to make this image. One day for conceptualizing, sketching (HB pencil) and inking (0.5 technical pen) the image. The next day to color the image using PhotoShop |
Comments: it's an old pic....one of my first fanarts when ff7 just came out ~ |
Comments: This is my first submission to the MVGC. I've been watching this monthly for quite some time now. I think i took a good amount of time on this sketch. but, I didnt have much time to clean, ink, color etc. (lost photoshop) and because i'm a last minute person. I guess the sketch speaks for itself. Something is better than nothing. |
Comments: like the title says, this only took 5 minutes for me and my black bic to do. I was looking at the picture of tifa on here to get an idea of what i would draw, to kind of practice a little, but then i never did anything. but i kept liking the sketch when i looked at it, so here it is.
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