title - artwork

Title: X-Mas Nikki 2002!
Image Size:
Date: 01:01:2003
733 x 651 pixels
Materials: Pencil & Photoshop 6

My second Christmas e-card design which was late by a few weeks since the xmas holidays were really busy for me that year. I thought it turned out too nice not to send, so still sent it to my online buddies anyway- sorry if I missed anyone out btw! The style for Nikki in this one is a little different to the norm and she looks older, but I think it's a definite improvement on last year's card.

This CG was also used in book "the Art of Drawing Manga" as a character example.


The Insane Reader writes:

email web site Date Posted: 16:03:2005 Time Posted: 08:22PM

Nikki is a bit TOO mature-looking here. Also, I don't think she needs the nipples sticking out - but maybe that's because it's winter and she's probably cold. Otherwise, the imagery has gone up several notches... the hair really looks like hair, for one. That white cotton-ish fluffy stuff - forgot what it's called - has a very good look to it. Keep up the good work!

Vash The Stampede writes:

email Date Posted: 05:02:2005 Time Posted: 02:24AM

oooyeah most cetainly an improvement to Nikki. everything is better on this one, a 100% improvement
The other Nikki's lacked in background,physic(how they look)and general eye catchy'ness but this one is excellant!

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