title - artwork

Title: Creature for Legendary
Image Size:
Date: 27:09:2001
615 x 375 pixels
Materials: Pencil , & Photoshop 5.5

Something a little different: I came up with this one for the 'cute creature' contest on the web site Legendary Online. The good thing about this project was that the brief was very open and left me with a lot of scope for creativity. After planning out some roughs I decided upon this round creature with little claws, yet not an evil, mean creature!

The first design made it look as though he had a giant coconut taped to his head, so I remodelled it to create this As for colour scheme, all I had in mind from the start was the requested red gem and I wanted it to have purple limbs. I managed to later pull off my CG idea using PhotoShop. Unfortunately I only placed 6th in the event.


ndude writes:

email Date Posted: 24:10:2005 Time Posted: 07:30AM

your little furballs look good because the only other furballs ive seen is what my cat coughs up

jose writes:

email Date Posted: 17:10:2005 Time Posted: 06:41AM

At leaat they look great and are not Tinky-Winky carrying a Fn' purse....:d

A.j writes:

email Date Posted: 11:10:2005 Time Posted: 04:55PM

agreed on the digimon poemone thing sorry

not agreed on the neo pets thing

willow writes:

email Date Posted: 06:09:2005 Time Posted: 01:50PM

aawwww really cute

peter basily writes:

email Date Posted: 28:06:2005 Time Posted: 09:11PM

ill, have to say it looks like neopets, and digimon, i think its one of your not-so-good-art work, but keep up the good work, those others are realy awsome!!!!

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