title - artwork

Title: Subway BG
Image Size:
Date: 02:05:2001
741 x 519 pixels
Materials: Pencil , Ink & Photoshop 5.5

It was basically a lighting effects experiment as well as a chance to draw a background, which is something most artists don’t like drawing- myself included! Based on a still from the Matrix movie, my original intention was to have it really dark and gloomy using mainly greys and browns, but it evolved into a much more colourful picture towards the end.


LULU writes:

email Date Posted: 20:09:2006 Time Posted: 11:05PM

wow. i can't wait to get my paint shop pro 9......$ 142.72!!!!...Please donate!

w88d_b0y writes:

email Date Posted: 13:01:2006 Time Posted: 08:02PM

ahh!! great lighting effects. i wish i could do that. bravo!!

Hiro writes:

Date Posted: 12:01:2006 Time Posted: 04:11PM

i luv tigerchick. but seriously, Gorillaz should be in that underground

Zoe writes:

email web site Date Posted: 05:01:2006 Time Posted: 03:33AM

Thats great, first time I looked at it I said to myself, "wow so much great detail" I love how the Graffiti looks so real, the detail is amazing.

Candyfloss writes:

Date Posted: 12:11:2005 Time Posted: 03:45PM

This is rlly realistic and a grate use of lighting. u may not like 2 draw bakgrounds but u r sure gd @ it! by the way, i bought the book an use it all t time!

Lindsey writes:

email Date Posted: 01:10:2005 Time Posted: 06:20AM

you are very talented! keep up the good work!

TigerChickTigriss writes:

email Date Posted: 30:07:2005 Time Posted: 09:37PM

Too much detail! My eyes hurt! Sorry I went a little mental on ya. It's really good! Keep going.

The Insane Reader writes:

email web site Date Posted: 14:07:2005 Time Posted: 07:20PM

*sighs* So pretty... gloomy, but with light... The light's too yellow for my personal preference, but hey, you can't get everything, even a few days after you turn thirteen. I wonder what kind of story you could come up with using that background for a general setting?

King of Hearts writes:

Date Posted: 01:04:2005 Time Posted: 08:29PM

Well...nothing i can do...but then again...i can hardly draw a chair. its PIMP JUICE!!

Pinkie writes:

Date Posted: 07:03:2005 Time Posted: 07:56PM

oh wow Ben! This is amazing O_O you continue to amaze me!

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