Soul Calibur

Winter Wonderland

Comments: There were so many characters to choose from for this month...but for some reason I kept coming back to Talim gazing at the snow in wonderment (I don't think they get much of that back where she's from...). I also wanted to give it a Holiday theme given the time of year (this way, I could also use this piece as my annual Holiday e-card). Luckily, her default costume comes in holiday colors. I tried to remain as faithful to her original costume as i could, but dressed it up a bit in the process. Total time for this only took about 2 and a half hours, and it came out pretty good. My only complaints are that the snow looks more like clouds, and the colors are maybe a little too vivid, but I was using my BF's laptop to color it. Time was also limited- when you work in retail, this time of year can be hellish. A larger, sans Holiday theme version is available at my website, Hope everyone has a nice Holiday!

- Y.M.Esposito


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