#!/usr/bin/perl # Ultimate Bulletin Board (UBB), Version 6 # Official Release Date for UBB6: March 15, 2001 # First version of UBB created May 7, 1996 (by Ted O'Neill). # This entire program is copyright Infopop Corporation, 2001. # For more info on the Ultimate Bulletin Board and other Infopop # Products/Services, visit: http://www.infopop.com # Program Author: Ted O'Neill, with assistance from Michael Farris, Dave Dreezer # Special Thanks to: Rosemary O'Neill, Mark Badolato, Charles Capps, Graeme, Jesus de la Garza, Joe Siegler, Hal, Brett Harris, Kristi Miller, Celeste Combs, everyone who beta-tested, and all of our support moderators! # UBB6 is dedicated to Edward Kriz. # You may not distribute this program in any manner, modified or otherwise, without the express, written written consent from Infopop Corporation. # You may make modifications, but only for your own use and within the confines of the UBB License Agreement (see our website for that). # You may not distribute "hacks" for the UBB without approval from Infopop. # Note: if you modify ANY code within the UBB, we at Infopop Corporation cannot offer you support-- thus modify at your own peril :) #use strict; use Fcntl ':flock'; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser carpout); use CGI qw(:cgi-lib :standard); #use vars qw(%vars_config %vars_misc %vars_registration %vars_forums %vars_styles %vars_display %vars_style %vars_email %vars_time %vars_search %common_words %vars_wordlets %vars_wordlets_err %vars_wordlets_email %vars_wordlets_img %vars_wordlets_date @ubber %vars_pm %GotTime @memberslist @login @session $username $password $last_login_dt $session_login_dt $last_login_j $session_login_j $days_prune $InfopopCopyright $ThisHTML %in %ProfileNumber $memlistopen $CurrentTab %template $template %template_match $Hiddens $Legend $LoginWording $LastLoginTime $MainButtonsLine $TableWidth2 $ContactLine $pubname $user_topic_view $user_number $direct_to $exact_path $TBT $TBB $Header $Footer $EmailHeader $show_logout $instant_jscript %weights $title_wording @memberslist_array $memlistopen $version $version_number $cache_cookie %member_profile $masterCharset $summary); undef(@ubber); undef(@login); undef(@session); undef($username); undef($password); undef($last_login_dt); undef($session_login_dt); undef($last_login_j); undef($session_login_j); undef($days_prune); undef($ThisHTML); undef(%ProfileNumber); undef($memlistopen); undef($Hiddens); undef($LastLoginTime); undef($TableWidth2); undef($pubname); undef($user_topic_view); undef($user_number); undef($exact_path); undef($Header); undef($Footer); undef($show_logout); undef(@memberslist_array); undef($memlistopen); undef(%member_profile); undef($cache_cookie); undef(%in); eval { # Get the script location: UNIX / or Windows / ($0 =~ m,(.*)/[^/]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); # Get the script location: Windows \ ($0 =~ m,(.*)\\[^\\]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); # modify the path for vars_config.cgi if VariablesPath differs from CGIPath: require "vars_config.cgi"; # no need to ever touch these statements: require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_display.cgi"; require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_misc.cgi"; require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_email.cgi"; require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_time.cgi"; require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_search.cgi"; require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_pm.cgi"; require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_registration.cgi"; require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_template_match.cgi"; require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_wordlets.cgi"; require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_wordlets_err.cgi"; require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_wordlets_img.cgi"; require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_wordlets_date.cgi"; require "$vars_config{VariablesPath}/vars_wordlets_mods.cgi"; require "ubb_lib.cgi"; require "ubb_lib_time.cgi"; require "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/Templates/public_common.pl"; }; if ($@) { #use Data::Dumper; #print qq%Content-type: text/html\n\n%; $masterCharset = "ISO-8859-1" unless $masterCharset; print header( -charset => "$masterCharset", -type => "text/html", ); print "
Error including required files: $@ $!\n";#, Dumper \%vars_registration;
print "Make sure these files exist, permissions are set properly, and paths are set correctly.
"; exit; } ReadParse(); my $templatefile;#, $summary; #if we've gotten this far, we have template_matches if(($in{ubb} =~ m/^(newtopic|submit_new_topic|get_topic|reply|submit_new_reply|get_ip|delete_topic|close_topic|open_topic|next_topic|transfer|transfer_topic|edit_post|submit_edit|forum)$/) && ($in{f} =~ m/^\d+$/)) { my $forumnumber = "forum_" . $in{f}; $templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{$forumnumber}.cgi"; } elsif($in{ubb} =~ m/^(recent_user_posts|get_daily|search|do_search)$/) { $templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{search}.cgi"; } elsif($in{ubb} =~ m/^(get_pm|private_message|submit_private_message|pm_prune|pm_delete|pm_reply|submit_pm_reply|ignore_list|buddy_list|do_ignore|do_buddy|update_ignore|update_buddy)$/) { $templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{private_message}.cgi"; } elsif($in{ubb} =~ m/^(faq)$/) { $templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{faq}.cgi"; } elsif($in{ubb} =~ m/^(get_profile|edit_profile|my_profile|my_rating_list|edit_my_profile|rate_member)$/) { $templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{profile}.cgi"; } elsif($in{ubb} =~ m/^(agree|coppa_agree|register_page|underage_register_page|show_coppa_form|submit_registration|login)$/) { $templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{registration}.cgi"; } elsif($in{ubb} =~ m/^(ubb_code_page)$/) { $templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{ubb_code}.cgi"; } elsif($in{ubb} =~ m/^(email|send_topic|lost_password|find_lost)$/) { $templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{email}.cgi"; } else { $templatefile = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{summary_page}.cgi"; $summary = 1; } #endelse do $templatefile; # If we grabed a template file, reassign the character set # Otherwise, $masterCharset is called in from ubb_lib $masterCharset = $vars_style{thisCharset} if $vars_style{thisCharset}; $cache_cookie = $vars_config{cache_pw}; $template = \%template; # set main buttons options $MainButtonsLine = &MainButtonOptions; # in ubb_lib.pl # set date/time &GetDateTime; # counter &hit_me; # for misc actions -- my $doer; if(($template_match{summary_page} ne $template_match{transition}) && ($in{f} ne "")) { #one last fix - we need to load the transition template if it's set differently from the summary_page template, which we already loaded $doer = "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{transition}.cgi"; } do $doer if($doer && ($summary == 1)); # standard argument my $ubb = $in{ubb}; my $skip_cookie_check; my $logoff; # is forum closed? if ($vars_misc{BBStatus} ne 'ON') { &set_page_elements; #print qq%Content-type: text/html\n\n%; print header( -charset => "$masterCharset", -type => "text/html", ); &StandardHTML("$vars_misc{BBClosedMessage}"); exit; } if ($ubb eq 'clearcookies') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_lib_misc.cgi"; &clear_cookies; exit; } #end clearcookies if ($ubb eq 'forum_pw_check') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_forum.cgi"; &forum_pw_check; exit; } #end forum_pw_check # perform user login? if ($ubb eq 'do_login') { $skip_cookie_check = 'true'; require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_lib_2.cgi"; my @user_info = &verify_id("$in{username}", "$in{password}"); my $pubname = $user_info[0]; my $dp = $user_info[1]; my $profile_number = $user_info[2]; my $mod_q = $user_info[3]; chomp($mod_q); if ($vars_display{MembersOnlyAccess} eq 'YES') { if ($mod_q eq 'Q') { # user is registered but not approved! #print qq%Content-type: text/html\n\n%; print header( -charset => "$masterCharset", -type => "text/html", ); &StandardHTML("$vars_wordlets_err{awaiting_approval}"); exit; } } if ($dp eq '') { $dp = "$vars_display{DaysPruneDefault}"; } my $cookie = cookie(-name=> "ubber$vars_config{Cookie_Number}", -value=> [$in{username}, $in{password}, $pubname, $dp, $profile_number], -path=> '/', -expires=> '+2y'); $username = $in{username}; #print header(-cookie=>[$cookie]); print header( -cookie=>[$cookie], -charset => "$masterCharset"); # display refer page my $clean_cgi = quotemeta($vars_config{CGIURL}); if (($in{refer} ne '') && ($in{refer} !~ /logoff$/) && ($in{refer} !~ /cookies$/) && ($in{refer} !~ /find_lost$/) && ($in{refer} !~ /password$/) && ($in{refer} =~ /^$clean_cgi/) ) { # take viewer back to topic &set_page_elements; &Transition("$in{refer}", "$vars_wordlets{thanks_for_login}", "$in{refer}"); exit; } else { $ubb = ''; } } # end do login # perform user logoff? if ($ubb eq 'logoff') { $skip_cookie_check = 'true'; my $cookieA = cookie(-name=> "ubber$vars_config{Cookie_Number}", -value=> ['', ''], -path=> '/', -expires=> '-2y'); my $cookieB = cookie(-name=> "session$vars_config{Cookie_Number}", -value=> ['', ''], -path=> '/', -expires=> '-2y'); my $cookieC = cookie(-name=> "forumpw$vars_config{Cookie_Number}", -value=> ['', ''], -path=> '/', -expires=> '-2y'); #print header(-cookie=>[$cookieA, $cookieB, $cookieC]); print header( -cookie=>[$cookieA, $cookieB, $cookieC], -charset => "$masterCharset",); # confirm logoff &set_page_elements; &StandardHTML($vars_wordlets{logged_off}); exit; } # end logoff # retrieve cookies! @ubber = cookie("ubber$vars_config{Cookie_Number}"); if ($ubber[0] ne '') { $username = $ubber[0]; } if ($ubber[1] ne '') { $password = $ubber[1]; } if ($ubber[2] ne '') { $pubname = $ubber[2]; } if ($ubber[3] ne '') { $user_topic_view = $ubber[3]; } if ($ubber[4] ne '') { $user_number = $ubber[4]; } #make sure the user is not forging his cookie to get into a protected area if (($vars_display{MembersOnlyAccess} eq 'YES') && (@ubber)) { my @checkTheProfile = &verify_id_num_2($username,$password,$user_number); unless($checkTheProfile[4] =~ /Write/) { print header(-charset => "$masterCharset",); &StandardHTML($vars_wordlets_err{user_not_approved}); } } @login = cookie("login$vars_config{Cookie_Number}"); if ($login[0] ne '') { $last_login_dt = $login[0]; } if ($login[1] ne '') { $last_login_j = $login[1]; } @session = cookie("session$vars_config{Cookie_Number}"); if ($session[0] ne '') { $session_login_dt = $session[0]; } if ($session[1] ne '') { $session_login_j = $session[1]; } # in case this is a new visitor! if ($last_login_dt eq '') { $last_login_dt = 'NEW'; } # set login cookie, if necessary if ($skip_cookie_check ne 'true') { if ($session_login_dt eq '') { # set session cookie: # this is a temp cookie that stores previous last login my $cookie1 = cookie(-name=> "session$vars_config{Cookie_Number}", -value=> [$last_login_dt, $last_login_j], -path=> '/'); # set new last login my $cookie2 = cookie(-name=> "login$vars_config{Cookie_Number}", -value=> [$GotTime{LastLoginDT}, $GotTime{LastLoginJulian}], -path=> '/', -expires=> '+1y'); my $cookie3; # reconfirm user data- in case profile details were changed if ($username ne '') { my @this_profile = &verify_id_num_2($username, $password, $user_number); chomp($this_profile[1]); chomp($this_profile[0]); chomp($this_profile[21]); chomp($this_profile[15]); if ($this_profile[15] eq '') { $this_profile[15] = "$this_profile[0]"; } $cookie3 = cookie(-name=> "ubber$vars_config{Cookie_Number}", -value=> [$this_profile[0], $this_profile[1], $this_profile[15], $this_profile[21], $user_number], -path=> '/', -expires=> '+2y'); } #print header(-cookie=>[$cookie1, $cookie2, $cookie3]); print header( -cookie=>[$cookie1, $cookie2, $cookie3], -charset => "$masterCharset"); } else { unless (($ubb eq 'submit_registration') || ($ubb eq 'edit_profile')) { #print qq%Content-type: text/html\n\n%; print header( -charset => "$masterCharset", -type => "text/html", ); } } } #if not do_login # members only acess check if ($vars_display{MembersOnlyAccess} eq 'YES') { if (($username eq '') || ($logoff eq 'true')) { unless ( ($ubb eq 'agree') || ($ubb eq 'coppa_agree') || ($ubb eq 'register_page') || ($ubb eq 'underage_register_page') || ($ubb eq 'submit_registration') || ($ubb eq 'lost_password') || ($ubb eq 'find_lost') ) { &set_page_elements; do "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/Templates/public_login.pl"; exit; } } } # all ubb options: # forum summary if ($ubb eq '') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_forum_summary.cgi"; &forum_summary; exit; } if ($ubb eq 'login') { &set_page_elements; do "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/Templates/public_login.pl"; exit; } if ($ubb eq 'agree') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_registration.cgi"; &do_agree; exit; } #end agree if ($ubb eq 'coppa_agree') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_registration.cgi"; &coppa_agree; exit; } #end coppa_agree if ($ubb eq 'register_page') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_registration.cgi"; ®ister_page; exit; } #end register_page if ($ubb eq 'underage_register_page') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_registration.cgi"; &underage_register_page; exit; } #end underage_register_page if ($ubb eq 'show_coppa_form') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_registration.cgi"; if ($vars_registration{COPPAType} eq 'COPPADenied') { &StandardHTML("$vars_wordlets_err{age_deny}"); } else { require "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{registration}.cgi"; &set_page_elements; my $COPPAInstructions = &ConvertReturns($vars_registration{COPPAInstructions}); do "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/Templates/public_reg_confirm_kid.pl"; } exit; } #end show_coppa_form if ($ubb eq 'submit_registration') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_registration.cgi"; &submit_registration; exit; } #end submit_reg if ($ubb eq 'forum') { if ($in{f} =~ /CAT:/) { my ($j, $cat_number); ($j, $cat_number) = split(/:/, $in{f}); $in{category} = $cat_number; require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_forum_summary.cgi"; &forum_summary; } else { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_forum.cgi"; &get_forum; } exit; } # end forum if ($ubb eq 'poll_vote') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_poll_lib.cgi"; &do_vote; exit; } #end poll_vote if ($ubb eq 'poll_edit') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_poll_lib.cgi"; &edit_poll; exit; } #end poll_edit if ($ubb eq 'do_poll_edit') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_poll_lib.cgi"; &do_edit_poll; exit; } #end do_poll_edit if ($ubb eq 'submit_new_poll') { if ($in{Poll} eq 'yes') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_poll_lib.cgi"; &submit_new_poll; exit; } else { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_new_topic.cgi"; &submit_new_topic; exit; } } #end submit_new_poll if ($ubb eq 'newtopic') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_new_topic.cgi"; &new_topic_page; exit; } #end newtopic if ($ubb eq 'submit_new_topic') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_new_topic.cgi"; &submit_new_topic; exit; } #end submit_new_topic if ($ubb eq 'get_topic') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_get_topic.cgi"; &get_topic($in{f}, $in{t}); exit; } #end get_topic if ($ubb eq 'reply') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_new_reply.cgi"; &reply_page; exit; } #end reply if ($ubb eq 'submit_new_reply') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_new_reply.cgi"; &submit_new_reply; exit; } #end submit_new_reply if ($ubb eq 'get_profile') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi"; &get_profile; exit; } #end get_profile if ($ubb eq 'edit_profile') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi"; &edit_profile; exit; } #end edit_profile if ($ubb eq 'get_pm') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi"; &get_pm; exit; } #end get_pm if ($ubb eq 'private_message') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi"; &private_message; exit; } #end private_message if ($ubb eq 'submit_private_message') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi"; &submit_pm; exit; } #end submit_pm if ($ubb eq 'pm_prune') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi"; &pm_prune; exit; } #end pm_prune if ($ubb eq 'pm_delete') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi"; &pm_delete; exit; } #end pm_delete if ($ubb eq 'pm_reply') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi"; &pm_reply; exit; } # end pm_reply if ($ubb eq 'submit_pm_reply') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi"; &submit_pm_reply; exit; } #end submit_pm_reply if ($ubb eq 'ignore_list') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi"; &pm_list('ignore'); exit; } #end ignore_list if ($ubb eq 'buddy_list') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi"; &pm_list('buddy'); exit; } #end buddy_list if ($ubb eq 'do_ignore') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi"; &pm_do_list('ignore'); exit; } #end do_ignore if ($ubb eq 'do_buddy') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi"; &pm_do_list('buddy'); exit; } #end do_buddy if ($ubb eq 'update_ignore') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi"; &pm_update_list('ignore'); exit; } #end update_ignore if ($ubb eq 'update_buddy') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_pm.cgi"; &pm_update_list('buddy'); exit; } #end update_buddy if ($ubb eq 'my_profile') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi"; &my_profile; exit; } #end my_profile if ($ubb eq 'my_rating_list') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi"; &my_rating_list; exit; } #end my_rating_list if ($ubb eq "recent_user_posts") { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi"; &recent_user_posts; exit; } #end recent_user_posts if ($ubb eq 'get_ip') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_get_topic.cgi"; &get_ip; exit; } #end get_ip if ($ubb eq 'delete_topic') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_topic_maint.cgi"; &delete_topic; exit; } #end delete_topic if ($ubb eq 'top_topic') { do ("$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/Templates/public_top_topic.pl"); exit; } #end top_topic if ($ubb eq 'do_top_topic') { if ($in{type} eq 'perm') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_topic_maint.cgi"; &top_topic; exit; } else { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_topic_maint.cgi"; &bump_topic; exit; } } #end do_top_topic if ($ubb eq 'detop_topic') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_topic_maint.cgi"; &detop_topic; exit; } #end detop_topic if (($ubb eq 'close_topic') || ($ubb eq 'open_topic')) { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_topic_maint.cgi"; &topic_open_close; exit; } #end close_topic/open_topic if ($ubb eq 'next_topic') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_get_topic.cgi"; &next_topic; exit; } #end next_topic if ($ubb eq 'email') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi"; &email_user; exit; } #end email if ($ubb eq 'edit_my_profile') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi"; &edit_my_profile; exit; } #end edit_my_profile if (($ubb eq 'transfer') || ($ubb eq 'transfer_topic')){ require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_topic_maint.cgi"; &transfer_topic; exit; } #end transfer if ($ubb eq 'edit_post') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_edit_post.cgi"; &edit_post; exit; } #end edit_post if ($ubb eq 'submit_edit') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_edit_post.cgi"; &submit_edit; exit; } #end submit_edit if ($ubb eq 'rate_member') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_profile.cgi"; &rate_member; exit; } #end rate_member if ($ubb eq 'get_daily') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_search.cgi"; &get_daily; exit; } #end get_daily if ($ubb eq 'search') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_search.cgi"; &search; exit; } #end search if ($ubb eq 'do_search') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_search.cgi"; if ( ($vars_search{IndexMethod} eq 'PERFORUM') && ($in{search_forum} eq 'ALL') ) { &do_search_2; } else { &do_search; } exit; } #end do_search if ($ubb eq 'send_topic') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_friend.cgi"; &send_topic; exit; } #end send_topic if ($ubb eq 'faq') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_lib_misc.cgi"; &faq; exit; } #end faq if ($ubb eq 'ubb_code_page') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_lib_misc.cgi"; &ubb_code_page; exit; } #end ubb_code_page if ($ubb eq 'lost_password') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_lib_misc.cgi"; &lost_password; exit; } #end lost_password if ($ubb eq 'find_lost') { require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_lib_misc.cgi"; &find_lost; exit; } #end find_lost # default error-- obviously they do not know where they are going &StandardHTML("$vars_wordlets_err{dead_end}"); exit(0); # comply with SafePerl